Bibliografia e referências

Referências (os números são aqueles no guia em PDF)

1 — “The Poor Performance of Individuals in the Brazilian Stock Market”, Bruno Giavannetti

2 — “Scorecard SPIVA da América Latina”

3— “DALBAR’s 22nd Annual Quantitative Analysis of Investor Behavior” (2016)

4— “Rápido e devagar: duas formas de pensar”, Daniel Kahneman

5 — “DALBAR’s 22nd Annual Quantitative Analysis of Investor Behavior” (2020)

6— “Previsivelmente irracional”, Dan Ariely

7 —

ver também “Pré-suasão: A influência começa antes mesmo da primeira palavra”, Robert Cialdini

8— “Princípios”, Ray Dalio

9 — Dopamine regulates the motivation to act, study shows;

Study: Brain battles itself over short-term rewards, long-term goals;

ver também o trabalho de divulgação científica do professor Andrew Huberman, PhD

10 — Most everything evolves in an uptrend with cycles around it, em “Princípios”

11 - Outras frases sobre previsões

12 — DeMiguel, V., Garlappi, L., and Uppal, R. (2009). Optimal versus naïve diversification: How inefficient is the 1/N portfolio strategy? Review of Financial Studies 22, 1915–53

13 — Risk Savvy: How to Make Good Decisions, Gerd Gigerenzer

14 — “Determinants of Portfolio Performance” Brinson, Hood &.Beebower;

“Does Asset Allocation Policy Explain 40, 90, 100 Percent of Performance?” Ibbotson, Kaplan;

“Determinants of Portfolio Performance — 20 Years Later” Hood

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